Repair, restoration and replacement (including dry rot work)
of various siding systems, specializing in shingle siding
Complete Exterior Restoration, before
Complete Exterior Restoration, in-process
Complete Exterior Restoration, in-process
Shingle siding in-process close up. Near face: power-washed and stained/perpendicular face: shingle panels replaced, not yet stained/Far face: shingle panels, power-washed only
Shingle siding above garage and around chimney to be replaced
Shingle siding above garage and around chimney replaced and stained to match house
Rotted siding and trim replaced
Dry rot repairs complete
Rotted trim replaced,rotted siding removed
Rotted trim replaced, rotted siding replaced
Dry rot repairs complete
Before SRS
After SRS
Dry rot repairs made, including necessary structural reinforcement
Permanent repairs made to faulty original building designs
Original imperfect construction (recently painted) can hold water leading to rot
In a more weathered area the water held nearly destroyed this whole column
A step by step invasive procedure permanently resolves the problem.
To better than new! (note: slope at top of trim to shed the threat of this dangerous element)
Wd. Shingle Panel deteriorated on south elevation
Replaced and repaired as necessary w/gable vent added